
sexual desire:

A strong, instinctual urge and need for sexual activity and/or gratification. According to Kinsey, sex-drive peaks during late adolescence in males and somewhat later (in the 30s) in females; the urgency of the drive decreases with age , but is usually present to some degree throughout life .

Synonyms: sex-drive ; sexual-appetite .

Quasi-synonyms and related terms : aphrodisia ; appetence ; appetite ; appetition ; ardor-veneris ; carnal-desire ; carnality; coitolimia ; concupiscence ; craving; eroticism; estrus ; heat ; horniness ; hunger ; lechery ; lewdness; libidinal craving; libido ; licentiousness ; lickerishness; longing; lust ; lustfulness; passion ; prurience ; pruriency ; restlessness; rut; salaciousness; salacity ; sensualism; sensuality; sensuous desire ; wantonness; zazzle . Slang and euphemisms: ache-for ; all-hot-and-bothered ; all-steamed-up ; all-worked-up ; amorous ; antsy; ardent; aroused; blazing; burning ; climactically excited; concupiscent ; covetousness; crave for; cream-for ; desire strongly; desirous; dripping-for-it ; eager; erotic ; estrous; excited; fervent ; fervid ; fiery; fired-up ; flaming ; flash-groove ; flash-in-the-pants ; fuckish ; full-of-beans ; full-of-fuck ; full-of-gism ; geared(-up) ; goatish ; hanker(ing); hard (up); have (a) fever; have-a-hard-on-for someone; have-a-lech ; have-the-hots ; have-the-hots-for someone; have-the-urge-to-merge ; heated; horny ; hot ; hot-and-bothered ; hot as a three-dollar pistol ; hot-as-a-firecracker ; hot-assed ; hot-blooded; hot-in-the-ass ; hot-in-the-biscuit ; hot-in-the-tail ; hot-to-trot ; humpy ; hunger-for ; hunky ; impassioned ; impetuous; in-a-sweat ; in-heat ; in-season ; inflamed ; inspired; itching ; itchy ; jacked-up ; juicy ; lascivious ; letch-after ; letching for; lewd ; libidinous; long-for ; lubricious ; lust-after ; lust for; lustful ; lusty ; moved by passion ; pashy ; pashful ; passional ; passionate ; perfervid ; pine (for); prurient ; quickened; rammy; randy ; red-hot ; rooty ; rousing; rutting ; ruttish ; rutty ; salacious ; sensual (craving); sexotic ; sexual desire ; sexy ; sizzling ; steamed-(up) ; steamy ; stimulated; stirring; strong desire ; sultry; sweet-tooth ; thirsty ; torrid; turned-on ; urge; warm; wet ; wet-and-willing ; white-hot; wild (about); wired(-up); wistful; worked-up ; yearning; yen ; yenny ; zealous.See also: blue-balls ; cream-one's-pants (or jeans); hot-nuts ; hot-rocks ; love-nuts .

Antonyms: anaphrodisia (anaphrodesia); sexual-anesthesia ; sexual-defluvium ; sexual-inappetence .


(1) Barbara Stern (Caroline Aaron) to Clifford Stern (Woody Allen) in Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989): ' Once the sex goes it all goes .'

(2) Barmaid Sal (Lynnie Godfrey) to her friend V.I. Warshawski (Kathleen Turner) who has Murray troubles in V.I. Warshawski (1991): 'The man is a slut . We know this. Have libido , will travel .'

(3) Frank Slade (Al Pacino) to Charlie Simms (Chris O'Donnell) in Scent of a Woman (1993): ' The day we stop looking, Charlie , is the day we die .'

2. In psychoanalytic theory, the psychic and emotional energy derived from primitive or instinctual biological drive . A freudian term.

See Also: ablutomania, ache for, acokoinonia, ad, Adam, adelphepothia, adelphirexia, agromania, aidoiomania, algophily, algorgynia, algorsenia, alibido, amative, amokoscisia, amorous, anaphrodisia, anaphrodisiac, anaphrodite, anaphroditous, aneroticism, anililagnia, anophelorastia, antaphrodisiac, antiaphrodisiac, apodysophilia, appetence, appetency, appetite, ardor veneris, B.U., barosmia, basculophilia, basiter, basoexia, be covetous of, be hot for, cacoethes, carnal desire, clitoromania, coitophthoria, Colt's tooth, compulsion, concupiscence, concupiscent, controlling part, covet, cupidinous, delire du toucher, desire phase, desire stage, erogenous, erotic, eroticomania, erotogenic, erotomania, estromania, feel the Colt's tooth, fervent, fervid, furor uterinus, gynecomania, have a hankering for, have a yen for, have hot nuts for, have hot pants for, hemotigolagnia, heteroerotic, heteroeroticism, heterosexuality, homoerotic, homophile, hyperaesthesia, hypoactive sexual desire, hyposexuality, hysteromania, inappetence, inhibited sexual desire, irritable bladder, ISD, itch, itchiness, itching, kinky, lagnesis, lagnosis, lascivia, lechery, letch, libido, load, lust, lust of the flesh, mastilagnia, panderage, panderer, pandering, panderism, pathic, platonic, Platonic love, prurient, salacious, sex arousing, sex drive, sexual anesthesia, sexual appetite, sexual inappetence, sexually arousing, tentigo, thesauromania, thigmacupidus, thigmosis, thirsty, thygatrilagnia, turn on, urge, the, uterine frenzy, uteromania, venereal

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